Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Dale, originally uploaded by bjhiggins.

Another color isolation piece from Photoshop.

I really liked this shot in its initial form. I love reflections, and I think they can be a visually fascinating source for photography. What I was especially pleased with was the fact that I managed to get some decent captures of SpectroMagic, when I had no intentions of attempting to shoot it earlier, since most of my prior attempts were largely busts. However, I decided to give it a whirl, and I was pleasantly surprised.

I've always loved the night parades at the Magic Kingdom. I have many pleasant memories of watching the Main Street Electrical Parade and SpectroMagic, getting the music stuck in my head, seeing my favorite characters with their costumes turned into overglorified Lite Brites. With SpectroMagic due to be replaced by the returning Main Street Electrical Parade (although I'm unsure of how long this replacement will last), I can say with certainty that I'll miss seeing this show waltz its way down Main Street.

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